
This is an update on Cameroon Inc. We are leaving this update on our original website in the hope that future groups who might be exploring ways to benefit villagers can benefit from our experience.

We discovered in March 2018 that our then Chief Operating Officer Mr Boubakari born on 09th November 1987 in Yaoundé, ID N°118634721 issued on the 10 February 2016 in Yaoundé, son of Mr. HAMAN ZOURMBA and Mrs. HABIBA HAMAT, had stolen the gold inventory which we intended to export.

The inventory estimated at 12 kilograms was worth US$ 480,000.

It turns out that the excuses given for why the government was not formally approving the export were unfounded and were created to cover the theft.

Mr Boubakari confessed his crimes. Here is the police report. Boubakari, his wife and his brother have disappeared. We are in the process of securing any assets which were left behind.

We are notifying both Cameroon’s national mosque as well as his village mosque (he was a Haji apparently funded by his theft). His crime has also been registered with Interpol. A reward is being offered for information leading to his arrest.

Mr. Jean-Marcel Essomba, a former head of CAPAM and of impeccable integrity and ability is now leading efforts to recover our assets as CEO. Sadly, our project was forced to come to an end.

Mr. Essomba can be contacted at jeanmarcelessomba@gmail.com tel: +237 699484197.

French Translation

Nous avons découvert en mars 2018 que notre directeur des opérations de l’époque, M. Boubakari, né le 09 novembre 1987 à Yaoundé, ID N ° 118634721 délivré le 10 février 2016 à Yaoundé, fils de M. HAMAN ZOURMBA et de Mme HABIBA HAMAT, avait volé le  stock de l’or que nous avions l’intention d’exporter.

Le stock est estimé à 12 kilogrammes valait 480 000 $ US.

Il s’avère que les excuses données pour expliquer pourquoi le gouvernement n’approuvait pas officiellement l’exportation n’étaient pas fondées et ont été créées pour couvrir le vol.

M. Boubakari a avoué ses crimes. Voici le rapport de police. Boubakari, sa femme et son frère ont disparu. Nous sommes en train de sécuriser tous les actifs qui ont été laissés pour compte.

Nous informons à la fois la mosquée nationale du Cameroun ainsi que la mosquée de son village (il était un Haji apparemment financé par son vol). Son crime a également été enregistré auprès d’Interpol. Une récompense est offerte pour les informations ayant conduit à son arrestation.

M. Jean-Marcel Essomba, ancien chef de CAPAM et d’une intégrité et d’une capacité irréprochables, dirige désormais les efforts pour récupérer nos actifs en tant que PDG. Malheureusement, notre projet a dû prendre fin.

M. Essomba peut être contacté à jeanmarcelessomba@gmail.com tel: +237 699484197.



Cameroon Inc. (CMINC) is an artisanal mining social enterprise formed by a team of a nonprofit organization started in 2005.

The nonprofit organization explores projects with the dual goal of protecting endangered species and wildlife while encouraging the economic development of the rural villagers who live among them. Past initiatives have included the funding and building of village water wells, schools, meeting halls, clinics and other community needs. We specialize in cooperating with existing traditional village social systems because many of our team came from poor rural villages. Our work has gained a reputation in Cameroon of doing what we promise based on mutual respect and personal trust. When this confidence reached the authorities governing rural affairs, we were offered a commercial license to collect gold and other mining products from villagers in three rural areas totaling over 100,000 hectares of forest jungle and savannah. CMINC was formed in 2013 to pursue this opportunity.

Children at Bompello Baka School

Children at Bompello Baka School

Classroom built at Bompello Baka School

Classroom built at Bompello Baka School

Water dwell built at Kong village

Water well built at Kong village


CMINC pursues the dual goal of raising the living standards of rural mining families while generating cash flow and profits for the expansion of our operations. We do this by buying artisanal gold and other minerals from the thousands of individual family miners in our mining territories. Though rich in resources, Cameroon is not currently a significant gold producer and has no industrial gold mines. Natural resource exploitation is typically seen as detrimental to local populations. We hope to pioneer ways to develop these resources with them for their benefit.

Gold heated in a pan

Gold heated in a pan

Mining gold

Mining gold

Mining gold

Mining gold

Use of water pump

Use of water pump

Woman mining gold

Woman mining gold

People sweeping the floor for gold ore

People sweeping the floor for gold ore

Community Mining

Our Community Mining is different from the Industrial mining and Artisanal mining usually recognized in the world’s gold industry. Industrial and Artisanal mining involves extracting and crushing hard rock ore with heavy equipment from a source mine under a private company or local cooperative where labor is formally organized and paid. Community Mining involves collecting gold directly from village families who mine gold on their own, typically by water panning of alluvial deposits. We occasionally provide equipment and digging services to reduce risky, unproductive work and improve safety. We also help provide a community’s social needs to build trust and to encourage better labor, environmental, and safety practices.


We face many daunting challenges. These range from preventing the trading of gold from conflict regions surrounding central and west Africa to the complexities of rural child labor to shielding the environment from chemical leaks to preventing people from falling into mine holes. In addition, we have operating issues such as the robbery of our transport staff and our partner village miners, as well as constant capital and cash flow pressures from Cameroon’s thin internal gold markets which limits the number of families who can benefit.

We are addressing these challenges through a series of policies and programs:



03.05.2016 – Published article about Cameroon Inc. in The Alchemist 81